Guest Speaker Services


Guest Speaker

I would like to be a guest speaker at one of your meetings. I would like to talk about modern firearms training techniques for personal and family security.   We use the latest teaching techniques. We use Blue Guns barrel blocks infrared laser pistols and computer software. In our private classroom we teach everything but the bang.  We also sponsor live fire events at local gun ranges. Robyn and I have both passed the RangeMaster 3 day instructor development course. We have passed the new FBI Qualification drill at instructor level. We are Defense Training International certified instructors.  We have developed and adopted what we feel are the best Firearm teaching methods available. We also teach mindset, safety, and home security.

We want you to be competent, confident and SAFE!

We offer private lessons and group classes that are designed to help develop the skills that are needed to be a responsible gun handler.

We design your training based on your needs at the range or in your home.  We have female and male trainers that offer dry fire and live fire training.

We offer classes that can be used to apply for your Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License.



Jeff Street


Step by Step Gun Training


Step by Step Gun Training