If you are going to wear in the appendix position, make sure you buy a holster designed for the appendix position. Get some training with any new carry method.
Holster info from Philster recommended reading
Bravo Concealment: 3.0 Double Magazine Pouch for GLOCK 19 / 17

Concealed Carry for women while wearing what you want
The Basics of Appendix Carry (AIWB)
Is Appendix Carry Safe?
Is Appendix Carry Comfortable?
Can Appendix Carry Work for Big Dudes?
Can Appendix Carry Work for Big Dudes?

Holster companies
Outside of Naples, FL
StealthGear Ventcore Concealed Carry Holsters
Stealth Gear Ventcore is Robyn’s current favorite
Ulticlip is for those occasions when a belt is not possible
Operator Outside Waistband (OWB) Holster @ Amazon
Operator holsters are nice for training with a variety of guns
Dark Star is Jeff’s current Favorite Holster
EDC Jeff’s Old favorite belt
Jeff’s New Favorite Belt is the ZERO Belt from Tenicor