Call or text Jeff 239-641-6140 to reserve your spot at the next Scoot & Shoot
You can pay with Cash or charge at the event or before to secure your spot
Scoot & Shoot dates 2025-2026 season.
March 29th 2025
April 12th 2025
November 15th 2025
December 6th 2025
January 10th 2026
January 31st 2026
February 21st 2026
March 7th 2026
March 28th 2026
April 11th 2026
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Step by Step Gun Training
How would you like to be more confident that you can handle the self defense scenario that you will face? We want to help you through relevant skill and mindset development to achieve your goals.
Always receive professional training before arming yourself. We are not attorneys. We do not give legal advice. We give practical advice. In all instances, anyone associated in any way with this class expressly disclaim any liability that may result from the use or misuse of any of the techniques or other information featured in this class or links from this Class/website or any other source. Safety for you and your family is your responsibility.
Welcome to Step By Step Gun Training.
Please let us know how we can help you improve your skills.
We have instructor certifications from; the NRA, Defense Training International John Farnam, RangeMaster Tom Givens.
Contact us at (239)-641-6140
Pray That You Never Need It. Train Like It’s Going To Happen.
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1. We want you to be competent, confident and SAFE!
2. We offer private lessons and group classes that are designed to help develop the skills that are needed to be a responsible gun handler.
3. We design your training based on your needs at the range(indoor/outdoor) at our private classroom or in your home. We have female and male trainers that offer dry fire and live fire training.
4. We offer classes that can be used to apply for your Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License.
“Everyone has the potential to like Guns and Shooting. We must make their first time fun.” Jeff Street
This is a Testimonial AKA an after action report from some of our clients.
“I put together a small video to show how great you two are at what you do. Daniel came out with us Saturday and on his first time ever shooting a Scoot & Shoot Course, he got better as the day went”.
Helping You Accomplish the Possible
“One reason why well trained people are less likely to need to use their gun is that they are not in denial that they may need to use their gun.” Jeff Street

How To Clean A GLOCK 19
FPF John Murphy these videos are required viewing BEFORE taking our CCWL Course.
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